Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)

What is DBT?

DBT is a proven effective therapy for people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), who have difficulty regulating opposing emotions, thoughts and behaviours and struggle to create a balance between acceptance and change. DBT skills are also effective with Depression, Suicidal ideation, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

DBT validates emotional extremes while building skills to help people experience their emotions without necessarily acting upon them, to effectively problem solve, and to navigate the relationships in their environment (i.e. family, work, school, and social). DBT helps people create a life worth living.

Dialectics means having two opposing and legitimate ideas or situations occurring simultaneously. The Vision behind DBT is to assist clients in mastering the art of living by balancing these two polarities through acceptance with change. Once this balance is established, it significantly improves the client’s mindset and way of life.

DBT is effective delivered to clients in a group, or individually. This therapy is organized around four modules that include Distress Tolerance, Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness.

Distress Tolerance – clients build resilience to tolerate and deal with distressing emotions and situations. They develop skills that help (manage/ navigate) crises situations in a manner that will not harm their physical, mental, emotional and social wellbeing.

Mindfulness  – clients learn about living mindfully, paying attention and devoting their energy towards the present without being affected by past sorrows and future worries.

Emotion Regulation – clients develop a sense of understanding about people and situations, awareness, and taking control of their emotions and behaviours.

Interpersonal Effectiveness – clients learn to be assertive in various situations that involve them and others around them. This helps clients to build and maintain their interpersonal relationships effectively while staying confident and maintaining their self-respect.

The Wise Mind offers Dialectical Behaviour Therapy as one of its key services and strongly recommends this program for holistic recovery and development.

Parmar has undertaken DBT Foundational Training and DBT skills for Adolescents and Families through Behavioural Tech LLC (the world’s leading provider of DBT training) while working within the DBT Team at SA Health. He regularly attends professional development workshops about evidence-based approaches including DBT and the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD).

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