Mood Related Disorder (Depression/Bipolar Affective Disorder)

Mood related disorders are intense and cannot be considered as usual feelings of sadness that any individual may experience. Including Depression and Bipolar Affective Disorder, mood related disorders are a result of genetics and/or life events that makes it hard for individuals to manage their feelings.

Now, a much asked question-How do we know that we, or a loved one, is suffering from depression?

Symptoms or signs that may indicate depression could be experiencing feeling sad or down for prolonged periods of time, not being able to enjoy things that are normally enjoyable, eating too much or not enough, often thinking about death or suicide, gaining or losing weight, sleeping more than usual or not being able to sleep properly, having no energy or getting tired easily, not being able to concentrate or think clearly, feeling bad about yourself, worthless or guilty, physical movement that is either slowed down or sped up, irritability, and feelings of helplessness or hopelessness.

Bipolar disorder, like clinical depression, is a mental illness that affects a person’s mood and energy levels. People with bipolar disorder have unusual, and often extreme, ups and downs in mood and energy. Different people have these extreme highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (bipolar depression) in different combinations and between these mood swings feel and act normally. These changes can be distressing for them and their loved ones, affecting how they live their life, and often putting them in risky situations.

The Wise Mind promotes early intervention to avoid the worsening of this situation as soon as possible through cognitive-behavioural and/or interpersonal therapy. These therapies revive a person’s self-confidence, improving thoughts about self, people and environment. It also improves interpersonal relationship skills, and contributes to identifying stressors in the environment and thus ways to avoid the same.

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