Risky behaviours including self harm and suicidal ideation

Suicidal ideation is when a person is planning or contemplating ways to commit suicide and living with that thought in their mind.

If you or someone you know is having suicidal thoughts, you must seek immediate help. It is important to be aware of the red flags in this situation: the sooner you identify these signs, the sooner you can avail of help for you or your loved one.

The symptoms to be aware of are:
  • Exhibiting behaviours of concern (putting affairs in order) and being vocal about not being alive
  • Thinking and believing that people around you are better off without you
  • Establishing social disconnect
  • Involving yourself in excessive consumption of alcohol and/or drugs
  • Researching methods of suicide
  • Showing severe signs of depression and anxiety, etc.

Therapists at The Wise Mind help you come out of these thoughts, realize your self-worth and to assist you to find and live a purposeful life. Through therapy we engage in meaningful and fulfilling conversations with our clients, whilst following proven methodologies and techniques that enable each individual to start afresh and begin a pathway to recovery.

Please note: If you or anyone around you having acute suicidal ideation, please call 000 or 13 11 14 or 13 14 65, or present to the nearest Hospital Emergency department.

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